Violinist serenading the throngs of people around St Mark’s Piazza, Venice
Just a few shots of people from Venice (and a couple from Verona) that I liked during my visit there in Sept-Oct, 2013.
Artist at work in the Dorsoduro district of Venice.“Looking a picture”, a young Russian woman posing (her mother was taking the shot), St Mark’s Piazza, Venice.Feeding the pigeons, VeniceThe Vaporetto along the Grand Canal, Venice, taken from a water taxi, just behind the taxi’s “driver”. A moment later she turned and smiled (my heart melted!), but I liked this photo of her better.Walking in the rain (and very dull light), VeniceGetting tickets for the Venice Biennale, with my friend Borge Indegaard.Late night, long day’s touristing around Venice, but such nice blue light and of course, needs a star jump to just make it! Yeh!Ok, not Venice, but Verona. Borge and I were wondering around the walls of that City (they are extraordinary) when this fellow just stopped and gave us a whole talk about the walls, how large they were (they surround the entire city centre, with the river running through this area), showing us on a map the extent of the area covered. It was very kind of him (we were quite obviously lost amidst the sheer magnitude of what we were looking at). So, thank you for you kindness, Signore.The artist Giancomo Ruffa with his partner. Giancomo was showing his work in a small gallery just near the Roman Bridge in Verona for a couple of weeks in Sept, 2013. Fascinating work, for more see his web site: