Cordoba was the capital of the Moorish kingdom in the Iberian peninsula for nearly 700 years. During that time, much is made of the harmony with which Christian, Muslim and Jew lived together under the rule of the Islamic kingdom. When conquered by the Christians, it wasn’t long before the Moors, and soon after, the Jews, were expelled (those that had survived the conquest). Not long after, the Spanish Inquisition began, to ensure those that lived in Catholic Spain, were practising Christians.
The Mosque interior
The cathedral interior.
Garden of the Mosque-Cathedral
The Mosque-Cathedral
The Roman bridge and Mosque-Cathedral
Horses in Cordoba are a long tradition, here dancing flamenco.
The original Roman bridge stood here, and has been used, updated and maintained since that time.
Exterior doors of the Mosque-Cathedral
Interior doors within the Mosque-Cathedral